HuiYao Intelligent

HuiYao Intelligent | HuiYao Laser


Wind energy storage with energy storage

Wind energy generation varies dramatically with wind speed. The energy storage system can store excess energy and release it when the wind speed is low to smooth the output.After the wind farm is connected to the grid, the energy storage system can provide grid frequency regulation and peak regulation services to improve the stability of the grid. The energy storage system can enhance the voltage stability and frequency response capabilities of the wind farm and support large-scale wind power grid connection.


Photovoltaic with energy storage

Given the intermittent nature of photovoltaic and wind power generation, large-scale development will necessitate energy storage systems for peak shaving and ensuring consistent power supply.Reduce the phenomenon of abandoned light and improve the economic benefits of photovoltaic power stations.Reduce grid pressure and improve grid operation efficiency by shaving peaks and valley filling.When the grid is out of power, the energy storage system can provide backup power to ensure the power supply of important loads.

hydro power

Hydro power with energy storage

Provide flexible peak and frequency regulation capabilities, and improve the stability and reliability of the grid.Provide fast-response backup power in emergency situations to ensure power supply safety.Optimize energy use and reduce power generation costs through low-valley power pumping and energy storage.


Thermal power with energy storage

Energy storage system is combined with thermal power units to optimize power generation curve and reduce frequent start and stop.Energy storage system provides peak and frequency regulation services for power grid and improves the stability of power grid.Optimize energy use and reduce energy waste through energy storage system.

oil extraction

Oil extraction with energy storage

During field operations, oil extraction teams primarily rely on diesel generators, which are unreliable and cannot provide continuous power. Energy storage systems can address these issues, offering a stable and continuous power supply.

power grids

Power grids with energy storage

This is currently the primary application of energy storage, where power companies use storage systems for peak shaving and balancing, thereby ensuring grid stability.Support more distributed energy access and improve the utilization rate of renewable energy.


Microgrids with energy storage

This model is suitable for remote areas where large grids do not reach, such as islands and remote mountainous regions. Integrating energy storage with microgrids can provide a stable electricity supply in these areas.

solar storage charging stations

Solar charging vehicle stations with energy storage

In the era of high fuel costs and rising oil prices, electric vehicles have become a popular choice. As the infrastructure for electric vehicle charging stations rapidly expands, integrating photovoltaic generation with energy storage and charging infrastructure (solar-storage charging) is the optimal solution.

5g bases stations

5G Base Stations with energy storage

Due to the power consumption of 5G base stations being 3-4 times that of 4G stations, their energy demand is substantial. Utilizing lithium batteries as backup power can enhance operational efficiency and reduce resource wastage.When the power is interrupted, the energy storage system can provide backup power to ensure the continuous power supply of the base station.Balance the power supply load through the energy storage system and improve the efficiency of power use.Reduce electricity bills and improve economic benefits by shaving peaks and filling valleys.

data center

Data centers with energy storage

Data centers require uninterrupted power and rely on large battery banks as backup power sources. Energy storage systems can ensure the continuous operation of data centers.Ensure continuous power supply of data centers during power outages, prevent data loss and system downtime.Charge during low power periods of the power grid, discharge during peak periods, and optimize power grid load.The energy storage system provides backup power and enhances the power safety of data centers.


Hospitals with backup energy storage

The energy storage system can be charged when electricity prices are low and discharged during peak hours to reduce electricity costs.When the power grid fails or the power goes out, the energy storage system can provide backup power to ensure the continuity of commercial operations.Realize intelligent scheduling and management of energy and improve energy efficiency.

shopping mall & hotel

Shopping mall and hotel with energy storage

The energy storage system can be charged when electricity prices are low and discharged during peak hours to reduce electricity costs.When the power grid fails or the power goes out, the energy storage system can provide backup power to ensure the continuity of commercial operations.Realize intelligent scheduling and management of energy and improve energy efficiency.

zero carbon smart parks

Zero-Carbon smart parks with energy storage

Industrial parks have extensive areas and numerous devices, characterized by high power consumption and long-duration heavy loads. Energy storage systems can help these parks leverage electricity price differentials, optimizing their power usage,reduce electricity bills and improve economic benefits by reducing peak loads and filling valleys.,optimize energy management, improve energy utilization efficiency and reduce energy waste.,provide stable power supply and reduce production losses caused by power outages.